Kiev is known as Mother of Russian towns. In ancient times it was the capital of Kievan Rus. Other towns of those period - Novgorod, Ladoga, Smolensk, Pskov and some other do exist in modern world, but their history is closely connected with the history of Kiev. Now we live in different counties - Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and it seems as if we have forgotten our united historical past.
Today Ukraine takes an international relations position, that makes the country to stand on the lowest level.
So, Kiev can take the leading role in international cooperations with Russia nowadays.
Ukraine seeks to join European Union by all means. And in the same time we forget about the possibilities of economical and cultural relations with CIS countries, mostly with Russia and Belarus. The present dialog between these states and Ukraine seems unconvincing.
Ukraine has many possibilities to make dialog with these states ant to offer partnership in cultural and economical projects. Our scientific potential can be used in this cooperation.
President Yanukovych could visit Russian regions - Smolensk, Pskov, Novgorod, Rostov and other - the islets of old Kievan Rus, that now are situated in Russian Federation. Such visits can help to establish cooperation between two countries and Ukrainian President could suggest cooperation projects in different branches - science, economy, education, culture. And in those trips Ukrainian President would be accompanied not by political scientists and sociologists and political workers, but by the intellectuals which are not close to politics.
In such way Ukraine could promote these regional projects and involve European capital to development and implementation of these projects, making Russian regions closely to EU and to influencing the Kremlin's governmental politics according to Ukraine.
Ukraine as a state has the capacity to promote international project not only to CIS countries. We can make such collaboration with EU countries, USA, Latin America, Africa and Asian countries. But first it would be better to establish contacts with Russian government at mutually positions.